The American Legion, the Town of Avon and your neighbors are asking for your help to create a permanent memorial to our parents and grandparents...
The "greatest" generation. Your tax deductible contribution will help make this beautiful and educational facility possible, and the memorial will become a cornerstone in teaching our children, and all future generations, about that extraordinary era and their extraordinary ancestors.

The design and construction of the Avon World War II Memorial will require donations.  We trust that all will see the importance of the memorial, and we hope that you will be able to donate to its creation as you can.  Our community will continue to come together for fundraising efforts and other ways we can make the memorial happen.  We have publically recognized many donors as you can see on our photos page.  Of course, anonymous donations are accepted as well.

Donors will be permanently recognized at the park. You may even dedicate your financial support to this project to the greatest members of your own family.

Below are two pieces of information you should download.  The first is a flyer that you can print that explains the Avon World War II Memorial that is planned.  The second is a form for you to fill out in order to give to this memorial for the brave Americans who came before us.

If your company or organization would like to sponsor this meaningful effort, we welcome your assistance!  Please go to the Sponsor page or Contact page of this website.  You will find out how to contact us so that we can talk with you more in depth.  We are certainly open to listening to your ideas.
The original downloadable versions of these donation documents are Adobe .PDF files.

If you don't have Adobe Reader, or need to update yours, click the button below to be taken directly to the Adobe website where you can update your computer and software.  This is a free download:

Thank You for
Your Generous Support!

Contributions to Avon World War II Memorial are deemed charitable under section 501(a) of the internal revenue code, U.S. Federal Tax ID 201361870, and will be acknowledged annually for your records.
Click HERE for a full .PDF version of the Donation Brochure.
Click images above for an enlarge .JPG image version of the front/back.