Our parents and grandparents, whether we choose to refer to them as the ‘greatest’ generation or not, lived in an era unlike any other in our country’s history.
At no other time, before or since, has our entire country been touched almost daily by the events of world conflict.  Over sixteen million Americans served in the military throughout World War II, while several million more worked in civilian roles in direct support of the war effort.  Those millions had many more millions of immediate family members who prayed for their safe return every day they were gone. 

Of all the millions remaining, some willingly bought war bonds, grew victory gardens and contributed to scrap metal drives, while others wrote letters of protest to congress, rallied at local parks, and picketed government buildings against the war.  And every one of them experienced various forms of rationing, from gas to meat to milk, to name just a few.  In a hundred other ways, our parents and grandparents who lived during WW II shared a commonality of experience that was uniquely theirs, unprecedented in American history and unmatched since.  As we have aged, we have come to better understand their contribution to the shape of today’s world, and their indelible importance in history. 
It is right and proper to honor those few of them who are still with us, to revere the memories of those passed, and to educate following generations in their legacy of enormous influence on American and world history.  Their bond, and their era, and their greatness have come to be symbolized by the image of that war as embodied by the American GI.

A few months ago, several interested local residents gathered to discuss the possibility of creating some kind of permanent memorial to our WWII heritage in Avon. 
The Educational Component of the WWII War Memorial Plaza will be to perpetuate the heroic service of our WWII Veterans through an educational setting so that schools, teachers, students, and families may visit, reflect and learn about WWII, the US involvement and Hoosier contribution to the war effort, while honoring the sacrifices of the many men and women veterans who bravely served. 

We foresee events such as on Veterans Day and Memorial Day that will be held with the support of the Town of Avon where veterans, teachers, students, and all community members are encouraged to attend to honor all veterans for their service and remember the sacrifice of all who gave their lives for this country.
After some consideration that group agreed, notwithstanding the constraints of the current economy, that indeed a memorial should be established, and that it should have special emphasis on a mission to help educate all grade levels of Avon’s children.  The offical Groundbreaking, was June 7, 2012.
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